Help you transfer raw
into automatically
generated insights.

Use Our Product For Free

No Label Data Needed

Our unsupervised algorithm requires no label data, rather we output tags and allow automatic tagging.

Our clustering is most widely used in exploratory data analysis, with applications ranging from statistics, computer science, business marketing to social sciences or psychology.

Easy to use:

  • Easy to upload your data
  • Easy to read the outcome dashboard
  • Automatic feature engineering to select important model features
  • Automatic model clustering
  • Adjustable for important super-parameters if you are an expert and want to compare slightly-different task
  • Easy to clean your data with clear guidance

Free and safe to use

Free to use: The machine learning engine is free to use

Safe to use: We would not store any data without your authorization and would protect your data privacy in GDPR standard:

  • Your input data will only be stored and accessed by yourself;
  • Your sensitive data (e.g. personal data) could and is suggested to be modified as pseudonymous;
  • We will definitely not sell or disclose your data or reports to others;
  • You always have the rights to erase your data at any time.

Data upload

  • Upload your local data
  • Link your remote data (In progress)

Task management

  • Set new main tasks or sub-tasks.
  • Data cleaning.
  • Check and compare outcome dashboard

Result Analysis service